Tuesdays: Kundalini Global Classes


Kundalini Yoga classes every Tuesday. Join me for 75 minutes of Kundalini Global.

Zoom will open at 9.30am – the class will start at 9.45am and finish at 11am

We will be playing with the breath, posture and meditation.

Classes are open to all levels of ability but are not suitable for pregnant women.

If you know you have diastasis recti please wear a belt.

If you wish to give a gift card for Carolyns Tuesday classes please click here – you will be directed to the Momence website where you can purchase.

Recent Feedback:

Thank you for a lovely class just now. I wanted to say that they’re also like magic for my 13 year old son, who is generally a testosterone-fuelled comet of rage – he doesn’t do the classes (or even watch the screen) but during the school holidays, since last summer, when I do your classes he comes and sits in the room and just listens. It’s pretty much the only time he’s not either on a computer or fighting his brother or swearing at me – it’s incredible that just listening to you and the music and watching me do it has this effect on him and keeps him calm for the whole 75 minutes.

Following this morning’s class, I felt compelled to write and explain why I turn up and tune in. Through the practice of Kundalini Global I feel stronger physically and mentally, and am more at peace with myself and the world. After a class I am emboldened to go forth and be me.

I nearly didn’t turn up today as I didn’t feel in the mood however, I am so glad I did!  I hope one day to be able to attend a class with you in person but for now I am very much enjoying the online classes. There is something quite magical doing yoga at home but also being part of a wider community.

Thank you for the practice and for sharing so much.

You and your classes have been an enormous support and inspiration to me these last two years and I have only appreciation and praise. I absolutely love all that you do. Thankyou.

I’ve been coming to your Zoom classes for a few months. I finished my yoga teacher training at Triyoga end of last year. During lockdowns I kept myself entertained with various online yoga classes and it was one of my TY friends who recommended your Thursday class.

And it is a fabulous class!! It’s brilliant to have a class that focuses on the abdominals which are so vital. Between the hard physical effort there is always space for self-reflection and stillness and I find that there is a positive and encouraging atmosphere.  Having music helps to take the mind away from the burning sensations when doing the hard abdominals.There seems to be loads of different ways of doing pranayama exercises which is fascinating and produces equally fascinating results with energy moving around in the body. And after all the hard work, Savasana is a sublime experience where I most of the time just float beyond my body.

I am very grateful for your classes, they have been the keystone of my self are routine during lockdown. I love the way you teach and how you combine movement, breath and music. Of course I also appreciate that being a therapist you are able to offer a unique perspective on the sequences; and I find what you explain very helpful and interesting.