My Life Loves Me
18:30 – 20:00 UK time, via Zoom 9, 16, 23, 30 April and 7, 14 May 2025.
Six, 90-minute, Kundalini Global yoga classes that will explore a key aspect of Kundalini Global yoga: the power of intention. We will affirm: my life loves me. We will breathe, stretch, reset, and in doing so, we will work powerfully with the magic equation: Breath + Posture x Intention = Transformation.
It’s about the potency of yoga to change the physical and emotional body, yes. But it is also about awareness, about consciousness, about knowing that the universe is listening. Perhaps she even has her hand on your back.
When we choose to get on the yoga mat, to stretch, to consciously breathe, to change how we feel, we reset. We feel calmer, less stressed, less fractious, less lost to the pain of the past and the fear of the future. This allows for a new relationship to the universe to become more possible.
The universe listens.
She listens, and she listens intently, to what you’re saying.
If you’re telling yourself “I’m hopeless, I’m helpless, I’m useless, I can’t do this. I know I’m going to struggle.’
The universe is listening. Your yoga class may help you feel better, for a time, but when we add the power of intention to the mix… long term transformation comes.
What you tell the universe is an energetic projection, a quantum field, that the universe will respond to with a simple
“No problem! We can do that.”
And she does. Reliably.
If you notice what you are telling the universe, and choose to change it, you have power.
The power comes from your consciousness.
The minute that you understand the power of your projections then, boom, you have an energetic field.
I wake up every morning and say “I love my life, my life loves me’
I do it every night too.
I wake up and my experience is:
“This is amazing. I love it. It’s fantastic. I’m safe. I’m calm. I’m happy. It’s brilliant.”
And actually? It is. Because I’ve told the universe that it is so and she is listening.
Yes we can face real challenges, things can be hard, but, by recognising the choice that is always there in how you interact with the universe, things shift.
It’s about having a conscious awareness of the effect that you can and do have on your reality. This is the idea we will explore over six weeks of yoga on Wednesday evenings.
Do something amazing.
These 90-minute, classes will include a short lecture, breathwork, and a yoga series that is framed around an intention for each class.
The classes are recorded, available via Vimeo until four weeks after the classes end.
You do not need any previous experience with Kundalini Global, Kundalini Yoga, or indeed yoga, at all.
Classes are open to all levels of ability.
To read more about Kundalini Global click here.
Please note: you can sign up for this seven week series at any time during it running. Recordings of any classes that you have missed will be made available to you to catch up on.
Your camera does not have to be on, if you’re shy, but I love it when they are.
Join class ten to fifteen minutes early to chat before we begin.
The 90 minutes allows for a long and deep relaxation at the end. The community around Wednesday evening classes is fantastic and you’ll be joining an excellent group of humans who come together to explore interesting ideas and learn tools to create their own change.
Link sent out on the day of the first class.
Price includes all seven classes and access to the recordings. Again, please note that two classes in this series will be covered by an alternate Kundalini Global yoga teacher when I am away.
Any questions, let me know, otherwise I would love to see you there.