Thursdays: Morning Sodarshan


6am Sodarshan, 30-Minutes, 12th, 19th, 26th of September and the 3rd, 10th, & 17th October 2024. £24

Please only join this So Darshan Chakra Kriya series if you know how to do the breath meditation.

There is a 2.5 hour, yes, 2.5 hour workshop available here to learn, or refresh yourself, in how to do So Darshan Chakra Kriya.
There will not be tuition in the 6 episodes at 6am.
We will open with an 11 minute breath practice, followed by 11 minutes of So Darshan Chakra Kriya and a 3 minute relaxation.
Each class is 30 minutes, recorded and up on Vimeo after each episode for catch up. The classes are available for 4 weeks after the series finishes.
This class is not suitable for pregnant women.
Price: £24.00

Recent Feedback on Sodarshan:

So Darshan Chakra Kriya Feedback. 

Thank you so much for the workshop this morning. I arrived remembering how confused I was in the past with this practice, and wanted to try again to learn. The step by step guide you gave made it easier and clearer, allowing me time to make notes and put the pieces together for the final practice. I was lovely to hear about the background also, context is so interesting and allowed me to appreciate and value the root and intention of the practice. I love the finger counting, I had forgotten that, a great way to facilitate meditation and breath work no matter where I am. I would have liked to spend a little more time practicing the breath together but I appreciate it’s intense so best I don’t do too much too fast. I’ll definitely start practicing from tomorrow.

Thanks for the book link, I’ve ordered a copy and look forward to reading it.

I’m very much looking forward to the MAP in June! See you then.

That was so surprisingly good, I had no idea how this was going to actualise, so I had to listen to your stern no nonsense approach, so true anything can be picked apart, and it’s difficult to do. Still may not be exquisitely correct, but what a high, I felt blasted into a much more powerful sense of self. I do have an altar though as you explained the deeper purpose mine seemed too much of a spiritual artistic reflection, myself strangely absent from it – no wonder this practice got you through a difficult divorce. As madly diverse as quantum mechanics pulls unlikely ideas from different parts of the universe together, X

Thank you for running this workshop. I really appreciated the extra detail that it went into and I feel much more confident now in how I think about the meditation.

I really liked thinking about the altars and intentions for the meditation too, and feel that I have more direction with regards to where I’m going with this meditation; before I felt like I understood the mechanics of it but less of why I would take it on if I were to do so.

I watched the video today and this is my first time doing anything remotely like this!  I found it fascinating and incredibly hard to get the pump breathing right. I got it by the end of the video but have now lost it hours later. I will watch again and practise.

I’m keen to make this a practise as I have baby trauma and need something to help my digestion. What you said about the stomach was so true for me. I’m going to create an alter around finding peace with the separation from my Mother and God. It’s a lifelong pattern of disconnection

I enjoyed learning about the prayer and sigi and will try this. I found it a beautiful practise that gave me hope and am willing to put the time in to get it right. My main concern is how to remind my body between sessions.

I loved the music you played that had the best as it kept the rhythm going. Would you be willing to share this?

Thank you I really enjoyed this workshop.

I was perhaps having some more complicated feelings after that final practice on Saturday and wasn’t totally in the mood to share after the workshop, so apologies that was a bit unsatisfactory on my part. I’m going to blame the full moon, coming to the end of cycles and seasons, and being a grumpy cow. I got in the sea and caught some waves. All is good.

Post-workshop reflections: I feel so much more confident in this breathwork meditation, in mechanics and intentions, after this in-depth workshop about So Dharshan Chakra Kriya and it’s roots, altars, prayer and taking control of one’s life.

So thank you for another great experience!

Recently I became aware of So Darshan Chakra Kriya and the more I read the more intrigued I became so was delighted to see your workshop come up. Thankyou for going into such depth.

I’ve been practicing prosperity kriyas and noticing how setting an intension is key. Discovering the power of the universe and realising higher potentials has been really fun and magical. You’ve added another layer with your prayer and sigil. I loved that!

I’ve been practicing a little before your class so I wasn’t overwhelmed by the information as I’m sure a newbie could be but you broke it down wonderfully.

I’ve learned so much from you in the last 3 years of which I pass a lot on to my own local bunch here in Belfast. Your dedication and passion has been inspiring and ripples out more than you know.

I made up for the Sodarshan Chakra Kriya workshop today. It has been on my mind for three years. Today was the first time that I mastered it with ease, thanks to you and your wonderful teaching.

I think the Kriya will be a part of my life for a while. Everything comes when it is time to come.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tons of knowledge, depth and research and practical help.