Psychosexual & Relationship Therapy


Psycho-Sexual and Relationship Therapy

Carolyn is a Psychosexual & Relationship Psychotherapist with further specialisms in Trauma, Maternal Perversion and Violence, Addiction in all its forms, Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia. 

She has over 25 years of teaching and mentoring experience in the pre-and-postnatal period, working with issues including birth trauma, diastasis recti and tocophobia.

Carolyn initially trained as a yoga teacher, then as a pregnancy yoga teacher, doula and yoga therapist. From there, training as a psychotherapist gaining a London Diploma in Psychosexual Relationship Therapy, a Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Couples Work, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Trauma Therapy, both with NAOS-Institute.

Carolyn is an embodied psychotherapist who works with the internal trauma cycles as they affect the mind, behaviour and regulation of the self. She is a member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) and accredited with the National Counselling Society (NCS).

With further Diplomas in Perversion & Violence and Eating disorders & Body Dysmorphia with Tavistock & Portman, Carolyn brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to the array of human experience that encompass issues in fertility, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion birth, the postnatal period, psychosis, pre-and-postnatal depression, body dysmorphia, prolapse, loss of desire, sexual dysfunctions, relationship collapse (same and mixed sex), early sexual trauma and maternal perversions.

In addition to her private therapy practice, Carolyn also provides training for the treatment of drug and alcohol addictions, sexual compulsion, compulsive porn, shopping, gambling and cutting through her Mastering the Addictive Personality Teacher Training course, which certifies the practitioner to work in prisons and rehab centres. 

Contact Carolyn by clicking here.


Erectile Dysfunction

Ejaculatory Issues

Painful sex




Failure to orgasm


Maternal Perversion

Sexual trauma

Sexual anorexia

Pornography compulsion

Compulsive masturbation

Intimacy & connection

Homosexuality & Ageing


Fear of pregnancy

Fear in pregnancy

Fear of labour Tocophobia

Pelvic floor recovery

Birth trauma

Neonatal loss

Abortion history


Sex after pregnancy

Relationship and pregnancy

Relationship and newborn


Attachment issues

Compulsive behaviours

Anxiety disorders

Trauma history


Recovery from addiction

Self harm

Abuse history