Carolyn Cowan


Carolyn Cowan is a yoga and breathwork teacher, and teacher trainer, who specialises in recovery from addiction, anxiety, and shame. Her expertise in the physiology of the mind body connection, informed by her work as an embodied trauma therapist, make the school of yoga she founded, Kundalini Global, an innovative, 21st century, approach.

Carolyn is also an author, whose first book, Breathing for Pregnancy, was published by Penguin Random House in 2023. She is currently working on her second.

A good place to start, if you’re new to Carolyn and her work, is in her yoga and breathwork classes.

Carolyn’s regular classes take place on Monday mornings, Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Mondays: Breathwork

On Monday mornings, 6am UK time, Carolyn offers a 30-minute breathwork class. These classes can only be booked in themed blocks of six. All take place online, via Zoom.

If Carolyn is midway through a series and you would like to try a class, this is no problem. You can join a series at any time and access missed classes via recordings.

Tuesdays: Kundalini Global Yoga Drop-in Class

On Tuesday mornings, 09:45-11:00 UK time, Carolyn offers a Kundalini Global yoga class online. Tuesday mornings are not recorded but can be booked on a week-by-week basis.

The booking and link-management for these classes is handled through a third-party website called Momence. On Momence, you can also opt to buy a class pack and save money on the cost of classes.

Kundalini Global classes strive to be radically inclusive. You do not need any experience with yoga to come along. Carolyn loves for cameras to be on, but you will not be under surveillance as you practice. It is a very private experience, with the added benefit of community, especially before class.

Classes include breathwork, a warm-up, a yoga series that is framed around a new theme each week, and a long relaxation.

For the classes on Tuesdays click here to visit the Momence website where you will be able to book for a single class or a block.

Wednesdays: Kundalini Global Yoga Series

On Wednesday evenings. 18:30-20:00 UK time, Carolyn offers Kundalini Global yoga classes that are bookable in blocks of six.

Each series of six classes is themed. Like with breathwork on Mondays, you can join a series at any time and catch up on missed classes via recordings.

The latest series for Mondays and Wednesdays are always clearly marked on the homepage of this website.

Teacher Training

Carolyn’s yoga teacher training, in Kundalini Global yoga, runs once per year. For the last two years this training has been in a hybrid format. You can do the entire training online or, optionally, join her in London for two of five modules.

The training is certified by Yoga Alliance. It takes place over five, four-day, modules between May and October.

Kundalini Global has its own website. Useful pages on that site, if you are interested in training with Carolyn, include:

FAQs: Commonly asked, and answered, questions about Kundalini Global yoga.

Level One Training: Outline and syllabus

Workshops and Trainings

Carolyn offers a range of workshops and teacher trainings around themes including anxiety, addiction, shame, prayer, breathwork, pregnancy yoga and more.

Her current offers can always be found on the homepage of this website.

Some trainings, including Mastering the Addictive Personality: The Path Out of Hell and Altered States: The Breath, are Yoga Alliance certified further and specialist trainings for existing yoga teachers. Despite this, most of Carolyn’s trainings and workshops can be taken on by anybody, yoga teacher or not.

The best way to stay up to date with news, offers and events relating to Carolyn’s trainings and workshops, is to be signed up to her newsletter. Here, she will also share recommendations of books, films, tv and recipes that she has been enjoying.

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