Core Abdominals Workshop


    The Divine Breaths Core Abdominals Workshop

    Join me for six, 30-minute core abdominals workshop

    7th, 14th, 21st, 28th of November and the 5th and 12th of December 2024.6am UK time, via Zoom and Recorded

    In this series we will play with breathwork, then diagonal core work, followed by a strong series to build strength and resilience. Added to this, core work inevitably brings self-esteem! What could be finer!

    Each class is 30 minutes, recorded and up on Vimeo after each episode for catch up. The classes are available for 4 weeks after the series finishes.

    Links will be sent out the day before the first class. The class is taught via Zoom. Generally, all that is needed is somewhere comfortable to sit. Very occasionally, I may bring in a movement that benefits from a yoga mat, though such things are always optional.

    The classes are recorded, and the series will be available for four weeks after the series ends for catch up via Vimeo.

    The cost includes all six live classes and access to the recordings throughout the six weeks they run for, and for four further weeks after the series ends. If you oversleep? Worry not, you can catch up. This works out to be just £4 per session.

    I do adore it when you make it live. All you need is yourself and the intention to land right here, right now.

    No experience of breathwork is necessary. Sadly, these classes are not suitable for pregnancy.

    Price: £24.00

    Recent Feedback:

    So now I take this opportunity to tell you that the six week cores classes made me feel amazing.
    I was not able to join live most of the time but this didn’t matter. The more often I did the exercises the more committed I got and did 3-4 repetitions. Now I miss them. I’d appreciate if you could do another one soon.

    Suffice to say, I really did enjoy the early morning core yoga. I think your style of teaching is very natural and brings everyone in….and I love your music choices! As someone who is ‘as stiff as a board’ , I did find that the course gave me a snapshot of my fitness level. What I could do and what I couldn’t do. That was very helpful for me.

    I love your core classes! I never managed to get up on time for the livestream and i did have a little FOMO to be honest! Thank goodness for the recordings. Your instructions are so precise not only does my abs feel stronger my neck is definitely feeling a big difference for the better as well!
    This level definitely works for me. You are a true gift ! Thank you

    I very much loved/hated the class. I needed to adapt some of the postures, but in all I found it challenging, in a good way. The half hour class suited me at this time, and was definitely an enticement to register. Core strength has benefited. Which ripples into holistic strength, much needed now due to grief activated trauma. So, felt I got a lot from the class all round. The emphasis on back being part of the core was great, and my low back appreciates it. Yes, I would be interested in taking it again.

    I honestly got so much out of your core class. I loved the way you taught it, explaining how in addition to the physical benefits, core work is about the ability to hold the self and what a fabulously good mood it puts you in. Such an empowering way to teach. One of the many reasons I keep coming back to your classes.

    I signed up on a whim, as I felt called by your explanation of the class, but wasn’t sure I’d make it live each week, when that early alarm went off. To my surprise I felt no resistance when the time came. I will miss my early Thursday classes with you.

    Initially of course it was a tough call to Show Up for myself at 6am! However, the joy of solidarity, the warm welcome, great teaching and fab music made it worthwhile. I was surprised and impressed by how quickly I became stronger (the Vimeo repeats making it possible to choose any of the previous classes and practice 2-3 times a week fantastically facilitating progress). Surprising too how quickly 30 minutes pass and how fantabulous and ready to face my day I felt. Couldn’t recommend it more. Also, cheap at twice the price. Thank you thank you. Whoop whoop

    I LOVE your classes, especially when I can attend live. I have had recent diagnosis of an autoimmune condition that I am trying to understand. It is revealing to me my limitations; physically and mentally. However, it is also reminding me of parts of me I have mislaid that I would like back. I am also being directed to let go of so much, which is always very challenging for me. Your classes inspire, challenge and calm me. They help me feel so much happiness and gratitude. If I am too exhausted to attend, it is reassuring that I may catch up with your recordings. Thank you for allowing this, it stops me from pushing myself which is a habit I need to address. Hopefully, I will be there in person soon to participate in the energy and joy of a live zoom class. Thank you for sharing your hard won knowledge. Your dedication is appreciated. Stay camp. I adore it.

    I LOVED the 6am cores. It was exactly what I needed in this moment in my life to feel strong and “hold myself together”. It was challenging and I felt the cores getting stronger very quickly. My back felt protected by your clear guidance. I wasn’t able to join live, however I caught up at 8am on Thursdays and I really enjoyed repeating the series at least twice before the following week. Wow did I ache. It was easy to follow with clear instructions on each exercise and I stopped when I hit my limit.  I am a complete beginner and a slot. I would sit and meditate all day rather than do something physical so the fact I managed to do these exercises says a lot. Was it too easy- no, was it too hard – no and simply because you can decide how many reps you are capable of and build up.

    While I have loved your abdominal classes, and done them twice a week, noticing a stronger core and improved figure, I didn’t make many of the 6am classes, preferring to watch the videos in my own time. I would like to see you do more, and find a 30 min class so much easier to fit into a busy schedule.

    Thanks, for all the thoughtful classes you put together for us, I love them and really missed them when you stopped doing the longer, regular Thursday sessions.

    AMAZING core journey! Thank you for your loving guidance. I have never worked my core in this way ever before..  I have tried to remember all the sets and will continue with all of them on a daily basis.

    I love your cores. It made me really happy that you decided to teach this and i hope you will continue. Or at least sell all the videos so I can continue them as a practise.

    I think your 30 min classes are great as I can fit them into a busy work and family life. Having 30 mins on cores is great for so many ways. I would join again. I built strength quickly. I did the video with my 48 year old partner and 10 year old daughter who both struggled but have never done any core before. They built strength quickly but did moan a lot. They picked up the exercises quickly.

    The cores were wonderful.

    I really enjoyed the early morning slot, showing up with others. I liked the combination of moves and postures, its didn’t feel repetitive at all. My favourite session was number 4, we did some standing stuff first, maybe that’s why?

    But I loved it and agree cores are fundamental to building presence, v important. I thought it was the right amount of challenge for me. I enjoyed the variety of movements and saw some improvement when repeating things. It was encouraging and I am glad you are not a gym bunny because I would not enjoy that brand of bounciness at 6am.  I really liked it. I’d do it again…

    I love the cores!  It’s how a first discovered you many years ago and what a good find that was. Taught with care, expertise, wit and enthusiasm, I would highly recommend that everyone I know does this class, at least once in life.  The physical progression is swift and the mental ‘metal’ is quite noticeable.

    Keep doing it please.